Wednesday, 30 September 2009
After watching Crimewatch yesterday this gave me some inspiration for our music video, as millions of people go missing every year and some of the cases are people running away and this is what we are going to show in our music video, someone running away. I feel that our audience can relate to our music video as running away is a common case that is seen on the news or heard on the radio or in the newspaper. It happens alot. I feel that the audience can then create a connection with our character and wonder why she is running away. It will leave the audience with lots of questions and they can have their own interpretations which will make the audience become involved in our music video.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Inspiration "Soul Aslyum- Runaway Train"
I have just watched "Runaway train" By Soul Aslyum which Mr Smith suggested i should watch and it has made me think more about the character that will be in our music video. As she is running away but there are a lot of reasons why teenagers run away and for our music video I think that the audience should have their own interpretations because this will then involve the audience. Running away is popular and i feel that this is a good subject that we are using because a lot of people can relate to this it will also bring in the cultural code.
I had a look at the lyrics for this song and i picked out a few to analyise
It seems no one can help me now
I'm in too deep
There's no way out
This time I have really led myself astray
I felt that this lyrics show how people feel when they runaway once they start running away they feel they can't do anything about what they have just done. They also feel lonely and they feel that noone can do anything to help them. There are so many reasons why people runaway and we want to make the audience question why our character has runaway.
Words on runaway children/teenagers:)
Mind map
I tried a new way of presenting what we need to do, and decided to do a mind map:) These are the things we are going to do:)
Monday, 28 September 2009
After looking at sterotypes in Mr Smith's "Theory tuesday". I decided to have a look at some music videos that have sterotypes as there are loads of sterotypes in this word. I found this music video of pink "Stupid girls". It's not the same genre that we are doing but i am also looking for that music video aswell, but we this video shows the sterotypes of blonde women and celebrities and the way they act. We are going to be having a woman in our video, we don't want to follow the sterotypes of them being "fake" but we might follow some of the conventions so that are audience can realte to the characters in our music video.
After looking at sterotypes in Mr Smith's "Theory tuesday". I decided to have a look at some music videos that have sterotypes as there are loads of sterotypes in this word. I found this music video of pink "Stupid girls". It's not the same genre that we are doing but i am also looking for that music video aswell, but we this video shows the sterotypes of blonde women and celebrities and the way they act. We are going to be having a woman in our video, we don't want to follow the sterotypes of them being "fake" but we might follow some of the conventions so that are audience can realte to the characters in our music video.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
I have been trying to find music video's that have sterotypes in them with the genre that we are doing our music video on...It's been really hard and i have can't find any so i will do some more tomorrow... and try and find some:)
Friday, 25 September 2009
Website Ideas...
I have just looked at Greenday's website and i really like the font on this website as it's unusual and looks good with the background on the website as it's simple and stands out. The three colour scheme stands out and makes the website attract the audience's attention. We might use a similar font as we think it's effective.
I have just looked at Greenday's website and i really like the font on this website as it's unusual and looks good with the background on the website as it's simple and stands out. The three colour scheme stands out and makes the website attract the audience's attention. We might use a similar font as we think it's effective.
website ideas
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Our song:)
05 Runaway by Jess Jenkinson
This is our song that we will be using for our music video:) The name of the song is Runaway:)
This is our song that we will be using for our music video:) The name of the song is Runaway:)
A little bit about the band name...
The name of our band is "Shattered dreams" and we feel that this name is a good name for a band because there could be alot of connotations of these words and this could give the audience their own interpretations and it will create a connection with the aduience as they can have their own ideas, which will make them like are bad because their interpretaions they choose to have will make them be more interested in our band.
band informations,
shattered dreams
Video Inspiration
This clip is an As media 1st draft and the song that they used was "Learn To Fly" By The Foo Fighters
From 00:50 To 00:55 As in the song that we have it has a part of the song where it says "The Look In Her Eyes" and i feel that while those lyrics are being said a shot like this could be a sort of transition from one shot to another, like in this scene.I also fell that this shot could be very stong as it could be used to show the hurt and pain in our charcters eyes, giving the audience a clear indication to how she is feeling.
My Video Research
Tonight i have done some music video research and i have looked at a wide range of rock styles of music and their music videos. Artists that i have looked at consist of Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Metallica, WhiteSnake, Green Day E.T.C. and while looking at all these different groups i have noticed that not one video i have watched today has there been a whole video consiting of actors, there has always been shots of the band in the video to promote them. I feel that this may make our music video very different as we plan to have the whole video consisting of actors to tell our story and not any shots of the band. I fell this would work as the audience may not get to see the band but they may get into the story and keep watching, this would then give the band more advertisement because if they enjoyed the video and the music the audience would then go and research the band
..... Rhys
..... Rhys
video research
Our To-Do List
This is a list of the tasks we need to complete
. Blog Of Our Music Video Idea (DONE)
. Blog On Our Genre Of Music (DONE)
. Blog On Our Musics Target Audience (DONE)
. Blogs On Music Video Research (1 DONE)
. Blogs On Our Pitch (DONE)
. Upload Our Filmed Pitch (Not Done)
. Blogs On Band Website Research (Not Done)
. Blogs On CD Cover Research (Not Done)
. Blogs On Possible Distributors (Not Done)
. Blog On Website Initial Idea (Not Done)
. Blog On Possible Website Layouts/Colour Schemes (Not Done)
. Blog On CD Cover Ideas (Not Done)
. Blog On CD Coverf Layout/Colour Schemes (Not Done)
. Blog On Sterotypes Our Music Videos Will Follow (Not Done)
. Blog Of Our Music Video Idea (DONE)
. Blog On Our Genre Of Music (DONE)
. Blog On Our Musics Target Audience (DONE)
. Blogs On Music Video Research (1 DONE)
. Blogs On Our Pitch (DONE)
. Upload Our Filmed Pitch (Not Done)
. Blogs On Band Website Research (Not Done)
. Blogs On CD Cover Research (Not Done)
. Blogs On Possible Distributors (Not Done)
. Blog On Website Initial Idea (Not Done)
. Blog On Possible Website Layouts/Colour Schemes (Not Done)
. Blog On CD Cover Ideas (Not Done)
. Blog On CD Coverf Layout/Colour Schemes (Not Done)
. Blog On Sterotypes Our Music Videos Will Follow (Not Done)
to do list
More Music Video Research
This video i have researched is the song by Green Day 'When September Ends' again we feel that this song fall under the softer genre of rock and we also like it again because it tells a story throughout the music video. I like this videos especially as it is a very gripping video if you watch it as it has a very contradicting start and end. The start of the video has a young couple spending time together and both of them are happy, and as the video progresses the male is recruited into the army and, the effects that the army has on couples.
Foo FIghters Research
I have looked into the band formed by former Nirvana drummer 'Dave Grohl' i have found at that like our music the band 'Foo Fighters' started out very small time again like our band. I have also found out that while 'Dave Ghrol' was still with the band 'Nirvana' he was constantly writing song and keeping them back from the band. When 'Nirvana' broke up 'Ghrol' went on in his career and kept writing songs, he then started to hand out free copies of his recorded music around to his friends and other people to get an awareness of his music. I Think this would be a good way of advertising our music so this could be a possible distribution method. Finally music distributors got hold of his sample music and called 'Ghrol' and sad they would like to help distribute his music this is when he formed the ban 'Foo Fighters'
I think that this would be good inspiration for our band as we can know that it is possible to cross over into the mainstream industry.
I think that this would be good inspiration for our band as we can know that it is possible to cross over into the mainstream industry.
foo fighters,
music video research,
Music Distributor Research
We have chosen an underground distributor to distribute our music as we feel that it would be more realistic than trying to distribute with bigger music labels. At first we choose the independent distributor but after researching their organisation further we have found that they have not really been very active distributors in recent year so we then decided to go with another method we feel would be more successful we feel that if we distributed our music through Viral marketing sites such as Facebook, Myspace E.T.C. we feel that this way we can distribute our music freely and first create a fan base for our music. We feel this would be a more successful approach to distribution as once we have a fan base backing us it would be easier to get into the music distributing business as artists without backing are less likely to have their music distributed than artists with backing.
music distributer,
music video research,
General Artist Website Layout
I have done some research into general website looks and layout for artists/bands that are the same genre of music as our band, i have looked at artists such as 'Sting', 'Rod Stewert' and mant more and i have found that there is a general layout that is common amung these sites i have found that the either the bakground of the actual site is a picture or there is a large picture of the band centered in the middle of the page so you instantly recongnise them when you lookat the site, there is also a common feature of tabs across the tops of the pages with things such as tour dates, ticket booking E.T.C., i think that we should style our site similar as these woth slight altercations, such as i think we should have large text in the centre of our page with an eye catching font to grab the viewers attention. If we can instantly grab the audiences attention at the instant they open he page then hopefuly they will continue to read on, I feel this would work better as the faces of the band would not be very well know so the audince might just click off the site.
I have also found that most of the sites i have looked at have followed a 'Three Colour Pallet' colour scheme where you have the main background one darker colour and then a very contrasting colour for the text, then the final colour is used for important links/news E.T.C.
I have also found that most of the sites i have looked at have followed a 'Three Colour Pallet' colour scheme where you have the main background one darker colour and then a very contrasting colour for the text, then the final colour is used for important links/news E.T.C.
music video research,
website ideas,
website research
Foo Fighters Website
I have looked at the band 'The Foo Fighters' opening page to their website and i feel that the opening page to this site may be a little too simple as it is just a picture of them on stage and an E-Mail sign up box, i feel that we can take inspiration from this still thou as i think that the colour scheme of white and black works very well and I fell it is very eye catching and stands out. This is effective as it grabs the audiences attention and this is the target of our website page. I also like the tabs at the top of the site as it is easy to find an navigate thorough the site itself and from experience i know that if a website is harder to navigate then it is more likely the audience will click off of it, So i feel that we cold take some inspiration from the tabbed pages layout.
I have looked at the band 'The Foo Fighters' opening page to their website and i feel that the opening page to this site may be a little too simple as it is just a picture of them on stage and an E-Mail sign up box, i feel that we can take inspiration from this still thou as i think that the colour scheme of white and black works very well and I fell it is very eye catching and stands out. This is effective as it grabs the audiences attention and this is the target of our website page. I also like the tabs at the top of the site as it is easy to find an navigate thorough the site itself and from experience i know that if a website is harder to navigate then it is more likely the audience will click off of it, So i feel that we cold take some inspiration from the tabbed pages layout.
foo fighters,
music video research,
website ideas
Website Ideas...
Even though most of Nickelback songs are more rock than soft rock, because we have been inspired by their soft rock video "Photograph". I decided to have a look at their website for an idea of our website. I really like their enter page for their website they have a music video on the front, and for ours it would be really good if we can put our video on our website. I think the colour scheme of using 3 colours is effective and this stands out and draws the attention of the audience.
Even though most of Nickelback songs are more rock than soft rock, because we have been inspired by their soft rock video "Photograph". I decided to have a look at their website for an idea of our website. I really like their enter page for their website they have a music video on the front, and for ours it would be really good if we can put our video on our website. I think the colour scheme of using 3 colours is effective and this stands out and draws the attention of the audience.
music video research,
website ideas
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Another CD Cover inspiration...

As i have been inspired by Nickelbacks Soft rock song "Photograph", I decided to have a look at the album cover, i really like this album cover because it's simple but it draws attention. The colour scheme works well and using only 3/4 colours makes the album look a lot nicer. We both want to have an iconic abstract object on our CD cover and having an iconic symbol will link into our theory that we will be applying to our music video of "the semantic code" and if we use an iconic symbol which has connotations and denotations the audience can find their own underlying meaning. Having their own interpretations will make them more involved with our music and will also create a connection between the audience and the music, because they can relate to the interpretation that they have come up with.
I found Nickelback's "Photograph" music video. I really like this video because the video tells a story. The lyrics are shown in the story. We want our lyrics to be shown through our music video. I also like the use of different settings that are used in this video, and the amount of different shots that are used keep the audience gripped and it makes it more exciting for an audience watching the video having lots of different shots.
music video,
Theorists we have decided our music video will follow...
Our music video will follow Roland Barthes narrative theory. Our music video will have a closed narrative theory as it will have one single story line that will unravel through the song. It is also going to be a linear narrative as there will no flash backs within our Music video. We will also apply “The Semantic Code” within our music video because we want to have symbols that we will have connotations and denotations so that our audience will be gripped to our music video because they can have their own interpretations from our video. This will also create a conncection with the audience as we are involving them in our music video.
Cd Cover Idea...

Morning:) As we have both been looking at Greendays video "Wake me up when september ends" I decided to have a look at their album cover. I like quite a lot about the cover. I like the simple cover scheme. The 3 colours stand out and it instantly draws you in. The picture is has no band members on the cover and for our CD cover we want to be able to have a abstract picture because we think this will attract our audience more. However there are some things that i don't like about the picture. I think the picture shows blood and we don't want violence on our CD cover but the colour scheme we may use.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Music video inspiration...
I have found this Video of Celine Dion "My heart will go on". Her music is classified as soft rock. I chose this song because the song tells a story and the story is shown through the music video. However in this music video the artist is shown and in our music video we want to make it a little different because we just want to show our story through the music video because we want our audience to be completely gripped to our story.
music video,
Our pitch today...
After doing our pitch today, it didn't go as expected and we have know had a long and hard thought about our media and we have know had a long think about what we are doing. We are still doing a music video but we have made the genre more specific and we have changed our target audience that we feel will appeal to our audience. After recieving a lot of advice today, we both feel that we are more clearer on who we are aiming our music video at and what the genre of the video is.
class work,
Genre of music video...
We feel that the genre of our rock wasn't specific enough. So we want to make it clear that the genre of our music video is Rock but our music video is more softer rock. So we are going to classify the genre of our music video as "Soft Rock". Soft rock is a style of music which uses techniques of rock and roll and is also referred to as Mellow rock, Light rock or Easy rock. Soft rock usually contains elements of Folk Rock and singer-songwriter pop to make a softer sound and an easy listen. We feel that our music isn't heavy rock and it is softer rock. Having classified our genre we have know changed our target audience as we feel that are target audience will appeal more to 25-34. We still feel that a younger audience will listen to this that's why we are still targeting younger people but we feel that our target audience we chose before was too young.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Target audience changed...
We have decided to change our target audience as we think 16-50 is too broad and we have know tightened our audience. We have know decided to change our target audience to 16-30 as we feel this is a smaller audience type to aim our music video at. We feel that our music is popular for the target audience that we have chosen. Our target audience will also be people that like the genre of "rock" in our age range which will be a lot of people as "rock" is mostly popular amongst the younger generation. We also feel that it is a varied age range as the music we are doing the video for may appeal to a very wide audience. however the main type of our audience would probably be in the social class of C1 downwards as i feel that these people would probably be more likely to listen to this genre of music more than the higher social classes. I also feel that at this point in time as we would just be starting out as producers and distributors of the music we would probably not appeal to the aspires and main streamers however we feel that if our music did 'Take Off' then eventually we would be able to get more expensive locations, Actors E.T.C. to appeal to the aspires
Jess & Rhys ....
Jess & Rhys ....
target audience
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Watching "The Royal Tenembaums"
In class we watched "The Royal Tenembaums" and it gave us some inspirations for our music video. In this film there are a lot of hidden meanings and a lot of connotations in the film which makes it a lot more interesting for the audience watching this film. The director was very clever in doing this and it gives the audience their chance of having their own interpretations. We don't want our music video to be complicated but we want to be able to create a connection with the audience by allowing the audience to come up with their own interpretations. Having different symbols within our video will allow the audience to see the different connotations and this will create a connection with the audience.
In class we watched "The Royal Tenembaums" and it gave us some inspirations for our music video. In this film there are a lot of hidden meanings and a lot of connotations in the film which makes it a lot more interesting for the audience watching this film. The director was very clever in doing this and it gives the audience their chance of having their own interpretations. We don't want our music video to be complicated but we want to be able to create a connection with the audience by allowing the audience to come up with their own interpretations. Having different symbols within our video will allow the audience to see the different connotations and this will create a connection with the audience.
ideas. jess,
royal tenenbaums
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Our idea:)
We are making a music video, showing a story to the song. We are aiming our music video at people aged 16-50. We decided to have a large target audience as we feel that our music will appeal to lots of different age ranges. Different ages have listened to our song and it's popular with the different ages. The genre of music video is rock. We have decided to do aa rock video as we are both interested in the genre of rock and we both feel that the targe audience we have choosen will be interested in this genre.
music video,
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